1、循环调用getopt_long解析命令行参数,将参数保存到static DumpOptions dopt;中 2、判断参数是否相容,不相容则退出:
options -s/--schema-only and -a/--data-only cannot be used together options -c/--clean and -a/--data-only cannot be used together options --inserts/--column-inserts and -o/--oids cannot be used together option --if-exists requires option -c/--clean
CreateArchive->_allocAH: switch (AH->format){ case archCustom: InitArchiveFmt_Custom(AH); break; case archNull: InitArchiveFmt_Null(AH); break; case archDirectory: InitArchiveFmt_Directory(AH); break; case archTar: InitArchiveFmt_Tar(AH); break; default: exit_horribly(modulename, "unrecognized file format \"%d\"\n", fmt); }
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); set client_encoding to '%s'//pg_dump -E指定 SET ROLE %s// SET DATESTYLE = ISO; SET INTERVALSTYLE = POSTGRES; SET extra_float_digits TO 3; SET synchronize_seqscans TO off; SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; SET row_security = off; BEGIN; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ, READ ONLY;
8、调用tblinfo = getSchemaData(fout, &numTables);决定导出哪些数据库对象。本函数又调用如下函数,值得关注哦。为了存储每个对象的元数据,这些函数会malloc申请空间,直到pg_dump进程结束才释放。
extinfo = getExtensions(fout, &numExtensions); extinfoindex = buildIndexArray(extinfo, numExtensions, sizeof(ExtensionInfo)); getExtensionMembership(fout, extinfo, numExtensions); nspinfo = getNamespaces(fout, &numNamespaces); nspinfoindex = buildIndexArray(nspinfo, numNamespaces, sizeof(NamespaceInfo)); tblinfo = getTables(fout, &numTables); tblinfoindex = buildIndexArray(tblinfo, numTables, sizeof(TableInfo)); getOwnedSeqs(fout, tblinfo, numTables); funinfo = getFuncs(fout, &numFuncs); funinfoindex = buildIndexArray(funinfo, numFuncs, sizeof(FuncInfo)); typinfo = getTypes(fout, &numTypes); typinfoindex = buildIndexArray(typinfo, numTypes, sizeof(TypeInfo)); getProcLangs(fout, &numProcLangs); getAggregates(fout, &numAggregates); oprinfo = getOperators(fout, &numOperators); oprinfoindex = buildIndexArray(oprinfo, numOperators, sizeof(OprInfo)); getAccessMethods(fout, &numAccessMethods); getOpclasses(fout, &numOpclasses); getOpfamilies(fout, &numOpfamilies); getTSParsers(fout, &numTSParsers); getTSTemplates(fout, &numTSTemplates); getTSDictionaries(fout, &numTSDicts); getTSConfigurations(fout, &numTSConfigs); getForeignDataWrappers(fout, &numForeignDataWrappers); getForeignServers(fout, &numForeignServers); getDefaultACLs(fout, &numDefaultACLs); collinfo = getCollations(fout, &numCollations); collinfoindex = buildIndexArray(collinfo, numCollations, sizeof(CollInfo)); getConversions(fout, &numConversions); getCasts(fout, &numCasts); getTransforms(fout, &numTransforms); inhinfo = getInherits(fout, &numInherits); getEventTriggers(fout, &numEventTriggers); processExtensionTables(fout, extinfo, numExtensions); flagInhTables(tblinfo, numTables, inhinfo, numInherits); getTableAttrs(fout, tblinfo, numTables); flagInhAttrs(fout->dopt, tblinfo, numTables); getIndexes(fout, tblinfo, numTables); getExtendedStatistics(fout); getConstraints(fout, tblinfo, numTables); getTriggers(fout, tblinfo, numTables); getRules(fout, &numRules); getPolicies(fout, tblinfo, numTables); getPublications(fout); getPublicationTables(fout, tblinfo, numTables); getSubscriptions(fout);
3)对于每条元数据信息,调用selectDumpableTable标记需要导出的表,如果-t指定导出表,遍历该列表,得到对应表并标记:DUMP_COMPONENT_ALL;-T指定删除表,标记tbinfo->dobj.dump = DUMP_COMPONENT_NONE
4)dumpIdMap[dobj->dumpId] = dobj;将导出表的元数据存放到dumpIdMap数组中
6)将所有元数据信息保存后,执行SET statement_timeout = 0保证语句不超时,能够一直执行下去
1)view、外部表、分区表字表(从父表导出)和unlogged permanent table不用导出
typedef struct _tableDataInfo { DumpableObject dobj; TableInfo *tdtable; /* link to table to dump */ bool oids; /* include OIDs in data? */ char *filtercond; /* WHERE condition to limit rows dumped */ } TableDataInfo;
4)tdinfo->dobj.catId.tableoid、tdinfo->dobj.catId.oid、tdinfo->dobj.name、tdinfo->dobj.namespace 信息,并将dobj保存到dumpIdMap数组
static const int dbObjectTypePriority[] = { 1, /* DO_NAMESPACE */ 4, /* DO_EXTENSION */ 5, /* DO_TYPE */ 5, /* DO_SHELL_TYPE */ 6, /* DO_FUNC */ 7, /* DO_AGG */ 8, /* DO_OPERATOR */ 8, /* DO_ACCESS_METHOD */ 9, /* DO_OPCLASS */ 9, /* DO_OPFAMILY */ 3, /* DO_COLLATION */ 11, /* DO_CONVERSION */ 18, /* DO_TABLE */ 20, /* DO_ATTRDEF */ 28, /* DO_INDEX */ 29, /* DO_STATSEXT */ 30, /* DO_RULE */ 31, /* DO_TRIGGER */ 27, /* DO_CONSTRAINT */ 32, /* DO_FK_CONSTRAINT */ 2, /* DO_PROCLANG */ 10, /* DO_CAST */ 23, /* DO_TABLE_DATA */ 24, /* DO_SEQUENCE_SET */ 19, /* DO_DUMMY_TYPE */ 12, /* DO_TSPARSER */ 14, /* DO_TSDICT */ 13, /* DO_TSTEMPLATE */ 15, /* DO_TSCONFIG */ 16, /* DO_FDW */ 17, /* DO_FOREIGN_SERVER */ 32, /* DO_DEFAULT_ACL */ 3, /* DO_TRANSFORM */ 21, /* DO_BLOB */ 25, /* DO_BLOB_DATA */ 22, /* DO_PRE_DATA_BOUNDARY */ 26, /* DO_POST_DATA_BOUNDARY */ 33, /* DO_EVENT_TRIGGER */ 38, /* DO_REFRESH_MATVIEW */ 34, /* DO_POLICY */ 35, /* DO_PUBLICATION */ 36, /* DO_PUBLICATION_REL */ 37 /* DO_SUBSCRIPTION */ };
newToc->defn:"SET client_encoding='UTF8';\n" SET standard_conforming_string='on'; SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path','',false);\n
15、dumpDatabase导出本链接对应的目的数据库信息,同样是newToc,newToc->defn:CREATE DATABASE yzs WITH TEMPLATE=template0 ENCODING='UTF8' LC_COLLATE='zh_CN.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE='zh_CN.UTF-8'
for (i = 0; i < numObjs; i++) dumpDumpableObject(fout, dobjs[i]);
17、遍历链表标记哪些对象Toc entry需要导出:ProcessArchiveRestoreOptions
19、关闭句柄释放资源CloseArchive,根据函数指针调用不同文件类型的_CloseArchive(导出数据到文件 RestoreArchive -> restore_toc_entry -> _printTocEntry)
-F, --format=c|d|t|p output file format (custom, directory, tar,plain text (default))
tar(pg_backup_tar.c):文件备份基本类似“file”方式,但最后备份的所有文件都要归档到一个tar文件。文件最大大小为8GB(受限于tar file format)
typedef void (*ClosePtrType) (ArchiveHandle *AH); typedef void (*ReopenPtrType) (ArchiveHandle *AH); typedef void (*ArchiveEntryPtrType) (ArchiveHandle *AH, TocEntry *te);
pg_backup_custum.c->InitArchiveFmt_Custom(ArchiveHandle *AH) pg_backup_null.c->InitArchiveFmt_Null(ArchiveHandle *AH) pg_backup_file.c->InitArchiveFmt_Directory(ArchiveHandle *AH) pg_backup_tar->InitArchiveFmt_Tar(ArchiveHandle *AH)
[postgres@localhost ~]$ pg_dump --format=d yzs -f test [postgres@localhost ~]$ cd test [postgres@localhost test]$ ll total 8 -rw-rw-r--. 1 postgres postgres 31 Mar 23 06:07 3010.dat.gz -rw-rw-r--. 1 postgres postgres 2124 Mar 23 06:07 toc.dat
[postgres@localhost ~]$ pg_dump --format=p yzs -f test.sql
[postgres@localhost ~]$ pg_dump --format=c -f test yzs
[postgres@localhost ~]$ pg_dump --format=t -f test yzs [postgres@localhost ~]$ tar -xvf test toc.dat 3010.dat restore.sql
pg_dump -s yzs -f 1.sql
6)导出时导出drop database和create database语句。需注意,导入时如有用户连接这该库,则drop语句执行失败
pg_dump -s yzs -C -c -f 1.txt
pg_dump -t temp* -f 1.txt yzs
pg_dump/pg_restore优点:稳定易操作 缺点:耗时,需停机
pg_upgrade 优点:停机时间短
while (!TopoSort(objs, numObjs, ordering, &nOrdering)) //根据依赖关系对对对象进行拓扑排序 findDependencyLoops(ordering, nOrdering, numObjs); //消除依赖关系环路 /* * TopoSort -- topological sort of a dump list * * Generate a re-ordering of the dump list that satisfies all the dependency * constraints shown in the dump list. (Each such constraint is a fact of a * partial ordering.) Minimize rearrangement of the list not needed to * achieve the partial ordering. * * The input is the list of numObjs objects in objs[]. This list is not * modified. * * Returns true if able to build an ordering that satisfies all the * constraints, false if not (there are contradictory constraints). * * On success (true result), ordering[] is filled with a sorted array of * DumpableObject pointers, of length equal to the input list length. * * On failure (false result), ordering[] is filled with an unsorted array of * DumpableObject pointers of length *nOrdering, listing the objects that * prevented the sort from being completed. In general, these objects either * participate directly in a dependency cycle, or are depended on by objects * that are in a cycle. (The latter objects are not actually problematic, * but it takes further analysis to identify which are which.) * * The caller is responsible for allocating sufficient space at *ordering. */ static bool TopoSort(DumpableObject **objs, int numObjs, DumpableObject **ordering, /* output argument */ int *nOrdering) /* output argument */ { DumpId maxDumpId = getMaxDumpId(); int *pendingHeap; int *beforeConstraints; int *idMap; DumpableObject *obj; int heapLength; int i, j, k; /* * This is basically the same algorithm shown for topological sorting in * Knuth's Volume 1. However, we would like to minimize unnecessary * rearrangement of the input ordering; that is, when we have a choice of * which item to output next, we always want to take the one highest in * the original list. Therefore, instead of maintaining an unordered * linked list of items-ready-to-output as Knuth does, we maintain a heap * of their item numbers, which we can use as a priority queue. This * turns the algorithm from O(N) to O(N log N) because each insertion or * removal of a heap item takes O(log N) time. However, that's still * plenty fast enough for this application. */ *nOrdering = numObjs; /* for success return */ /* Eliminate the null case */ if (numObjs <= 0) return true; /* Create workspace for the above-described heap */ pendingHeap = (int *) pg_malloc(numObjs * sizeof(int)); /* * Scan the constraints, and for each item in the input, generate a count * of the number of constraints that say it must be before something else. * The count for the item with dumpId j is stored in beforeConstraints[j]. * We also make a map showing the input-order index of the item with * dumpId j. */ beforeConstraints = (int *) pg_malloc0((maxDumpId + 1) * sizeof(int)); idMap = (int *) pg_malloc((maxDumpId + 1) * sizeof(int)); //根据入度构建列表,确定每个顶点的入度(依赖) for (i = 0; i < numObjs; i++) { obj = objs[i]; j = obj->dumpId; if (j <= 0 || j > maxDumpId) pg_fatal("invalid dumpId %d", j); idMap[j] = i; for (j = 0; j < obj->nDeps; j++) { k = obj->dependencies[j]; if (k <= 0 || k > maxDumpId) pg_fatal("invalid dependency %d", k); beforeConstraints[k]++; } } /* * Now initialize the heap of items-ready-to-output by filling it with the * indexes of items that already have beforeConstraints[id] == 0. * * The essential property of a heap is heap[(j-1)/2] >= heap[j] for each j * in the range 1..heapLength-1 (note we are using 0-based subscripts * here, while the discussion in Knuth assumes 1-based subscripts). So, if * we simply enter the indexes into pendingHeap[] in decreasing order, we * a-fortiori have the heap invariant satisfied at completion of this * loop, and don't need to do any sift-up comparisons. */ heapLength = 0; //将入度为0的顶点输出,放入到pendingHeap中备用(i正序倒序无差别) for (i = numObjs; --i >= 0;) { if (beforeConstraints[objs[i]->dumpId] == 0) pendingHeap[heapLength++] = i; } /*-------------------- * Now emit objects, working backwards in the output list. At each step, * we use the priority heap to select the last item that has no remaining * before-constraints. We remove that item from the heap, output it to * ordering[], and decrease the beforeConstraints count of each of the * items it was constrained against. Whenever an item's beforeConstraints * count is thereby decreased to zero, we insert it into the priority heap * to show that it is a candidate to output. We are done when the heap * becomes empty; if we have output every element then we succeeded, * otherwise we failed. * i = number of ordering[] entries left to output * j = objs[] index of item we are outputting * k = temp for scanning constraint list for item j *-------------------- */ i = numObjs; while (heapLength > 0) { /* Select object to output by removing largest heap member */ j = removeHeapElement(pendingHeap, heapLength--); //取一个顶点处理 obj = objs[j]; /* Output candidate to ordering[] */ ordering[--i] = obj; //输出对象的顺序列表 /* Update beforeConstraints counts of its predecessors */ //该顶点指向的所有顶点入度减一,并将入度为0的顶点加入pendingHeap for (k = 0; k < obj->nDeps; k++) { int id = obj->dependencies[k]; if ((--beforeConstraints[id]) == 0) addHeapElement(idMap[id], pendingHeap, heapLength++); } } /* * If we failed, report the objects that couldn't be output; these are the * ones with beforeConstraints[] still nonzero. */ if (i != 0) { k = 0; for (j = 1; j <= maxDumpId; j++) { if (beforeConstraints[j] != 0) ordering[k++] = objs[idMap[j]]; } *nOrdering = k; } /* Done */ free(pendingHeap); free(beforeConstraints); free(idMap); return (i == 0); }
上一篇:【mysql】—— 数据类型详解