python + tkinter + mysql
-- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `users` -- ---------------------------- CREATE TABLE `users` ( `username` varchar(20), `passwords` varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY(username) )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of users -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO users VALUES ('user01', '123'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `student` -- ---------------------------- CREATE TABLE `student` ( `sno` char(7) NOT NULL, `sname` char(10) NOT NULL, `ssex` enum('男','女') DEFAULT '男', `sage` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `sdept` char(20) DEFAULT '计算机科学与工程学院', PRIMARY KEY (`sno`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of student -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO student VALUES ('9512101', '李勇', '男', '19', '计算机系'); INSERT INTO student VALUES ('9512103', '王敏', '女', '20', '计算机系'); INSERT INTO student VALUES ('9513101', '周璐', '女', '17', '物理系'); INSERT INTO student VALUES ('9521101', '张莉', '女', '22', '计算机系'); INSERT INTO student VALUES ('9521102', '吴宾', '男', '21', '计算机系'); INSERT INTO student VALUES ('9521103', '张海', '男', '20', '计算机系'); INSERT INTO student VALUES ('9531101', '钱小平', '女', '18', '数学系'); INSERT INTO student VALUES ('9531102', '王大力', '男', '19', '数学系'); INSERT INTO student VALUES ('9531103', '刘梅', '女', '19', '计算机系'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `course` -- ---------------------------- CREATE TABLE `course` ( `cno` char(4) NOT NULL, `cname` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `cpno` char(4) DEFAULT NULL, `ccredit` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cno`), KEY `cpno` (`cpno`), CONSTRAINT `course_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`cpno`) REFERENCES `course` (`cno`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of course -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO course VALUES ('C001', '计算机导论', null, '3'); INSERT INTO course VALUES ('C002', '高等数学', null, '4'); INSERT INTO course VALUES ('C003', '程序设计语言', 'C001', '4'); INSERT INTO course VALUES ('C004', '数据结构与算法', 'C003', '5'); INSERT INTO course VALUES ('C005', '数据库原理与应用', 'C004', '4'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `sc` -- ---------------------------- CREATE TABLE `sc` ( `sno` char(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `cno` char(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `grade` decimal(5,1) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`sno`,`cno`), KEY `sno`(`sno`), KEY `cno` (`cno`), CONSTRAINT `sc_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`sno`) REFERENCES `student` (`sno`), CONSTRAINT `sc_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`cno`) REFERENCES `course` (`cno`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of sc -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9512101', 'C001', null); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9512101', 'C002', '87.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9512101', 'C003', '95.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9512101', 'C004', '76.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9512101', 'C005', '80.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9512103', 'C003', '51.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9512103', 'C005', '60.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9521101', 'C005', '72.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9521102', 'C005', '80.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9521103', 'C005', '45.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9531101', 'C005', '81.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9531101', 'C001', null); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9531101', 'C002', '87.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9531101', 'C003', '95.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9531101', 'C004', '76.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9531102', 'C001', null); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9531102', 'C002', '87.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9531102', 'C003', '95.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9531102', 'C004', '76.0'); INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('9531102', 'C005', '94.0');
新建一个数据库,取名 “student”,字符集选 utf8,然后点击确定。
import pymysql Username = "" Findsno = "" Findcno = "" def conn(): # 连接数据库 db = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", user="root", database="student", charset='utf8') return db def update(sql, *values): # shift键,单tab db1 = conn() cursor1 = db1.cursor() try: cursor1.execute(sql, values) db1.commit() return 1 except: db1.rollback() return 0 finally: cursor1.close() db1.close() def update2(sql): # shift键,单tab db1 = conn() cursor1 = db1.cursor() try: cursor1.execute(sql) db1.commit() return 1 except: db1.rollback() return 0 finally: cursor1.close() db1.close() def query(sql, *keys): db2 = conn() cursor2 = db2.cursor() cursor2.execute(sql, keys) rs = cursor2.fetchall() cursor2.close() db2.close() return rs def query2(sql): db3 = conn() cursor3 = db3.cursor() cursor3.execute(sql) rs = cursor3.fetchall() row = cursor3.rowcount cursor3.close() db3.close() return rs, row
import tkinter as tk import tkinter.messagebox import db import mainWin import register # 登录界面 class Login(): def __init__(self): self.root2 = tk.Tk() self.root2.title("登陆") self.screenwidth = self.root2.winfo_screenwidth() self.screenheight = self.root2.winfo_screenheight() self.root2.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (400, 200, (self.screenwidth - 400) / 2, (self.screenheight - 200) / 2)) self.label = tk.Label(self.root2, text='登录系统', font=("黑体", 25)) self.label.place(x=125, y=10) self.userlabel = tk.Label(self.root2, text="用户名:", font=("黑体", 15)) self.userlabel.place(x=80, y=60) self.userentry = tk.Entry(self.root2) self.userentry.place(x=160, y=62) self.pwdlabel = tk.Label(self.root2, text="密 码:", font=("黑体", 15)) self.pwdlabel.place(x=80, y=100) self.pwdentry = tk.Entry(self.root2, width=20, show='*') self.pwdentry.place(x=160, y=102) self.userentry.insert(0, 'user01') self.pwdentry.insert(0, '123') self.okbutton = tk.Button(self.root2, text='提交', font=10, command=self.openMain) self.okbutton.place(x=70, y=140) self.cancelbutton = tk.Button(self.root2, text='取消', font=10, command=self.root2.destroy) self.cancelbutton.place(x=170, y=140) self.addbutton = tk.Button(self.root2, text='注册', font=10, command=self.adduser) self.addbutton.place(x=270, y=140) self.root2.mainloop() def openMain(self): username2 = self.userentry.get() userpwd2 = self.pwdentry.get() if username2.strip() == "" or userpwd2.strip() == "": tk.messagebox.showerror("登录失败", "用户名或密码不能为空") return False else: try: rs = db.query("select * from users where username = %s and passwords = %s", username2, userpwd2) if len(rs) > 0: db.Username = username2 self.root2.destroy() mainWin.MainWin() else: tk.messagebox.showinfo("ee", "你输入的信息不正确,请重新输入") except Exception as e: print("登陆异常") print(e) def adduser(self): self.root2.destroy() register.Register()
import tkinter as tk import tkinter.messagebox import db import login class Register(): def __init__(self): self.root1 = tk.Tk() self.root1.title("新用户注册") self.screenwidth = self.root1.winfo_screenwidth() self.screenheight = self.root1.winfo_screenheight() self.root1.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (400, 200, (self.screenwidth - 400) / 2, (self.screenheight - 200) / 2)) self.label = tk.Label(self.root1, text='注册系统', font=("黑体", 25)) self.label.place(x=125, y=10) self.userlabel = tk.Label(self.root1, text="用户名:", font=("黑体", 15)) self.userlabel.place(x=80, y=60) self.userentry = tk.Entry(self.root1) self.userentry.place(x=160, y=62) self.pwdlabel = tk.Label(self.root1, text="密 码:", font=("黑体", 15)) self.pwdlabel.place(x=80, y=100) self.pwdentry = tk.Entry(self.root1, width=20, show='*') self.pwdentry.place(x=160, y=102) self.okbutton = tk.Button(self.root1, text='提交', font=("黑体", 15), command=self.addUser) self.okbutton.place(x=70, y=140) self.cancelbutton = tk.Button(self.root1, text='取消', font=("黑体", 15), command=self.root1.destroy) self.cancelbutton.place(x=170, y=140) self.loginbutton = tk.Button(self.root1, text='登陆', font=("黑体", 15), command=self.loginUser) self.loginbutton.place(x=270, y=140) self.root1.mainloop() def addUser(self): username1 = self.userentry.get() userpwd1 = self.pwdentry.get() if username1.strip() == "" or userpwd1.strip() == "": tk.messagebox.showerror("警告", "用户名或密码不能为空") return False else: rs1 = db.query('select * from users where username=%s', username1) if len(rs1) > 0: tk.messagebox.showinfo("注册失败", "该用户名已经存在") self.userentry.delete(0) self.pwdentry.delete(0) else: rs = db.update("insert into users(username,passwords) values(%s,%s)", username1, userpwd1) if rs > 0: tk.messagebox.showinfo("用户", "添加成功") else: self.userentry.delete(0) self.pwdentry.delete(0) def loginUser(self): self.root1.destroy() login.Login()
import tkinter as tk import numpy as np import register import selUser import login import findSno import updPwd import findCno import db class MainWin(): def __init__(self): self.root3 = tk.Tk() self.root3.title("成绩分析") self.screenwidth = self.root3.winfo_screenwidth() self.screenheight = self.root3.winfo_screenheight() self.root3.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (500, 300, (self.screenwidth - 500) / 2, (self.screenheight - 300) / 2)) menu1 = tk.Menu(self.root3) menu1_2 = tk.Menu(menu1, tearoff=False) # 创建二级菜单 menu1.add_cascade(label="用户管理", menu=menu1_2) # 创建级联菜单 menu1_2.add_command(label='用户注册', command=self.adduser) menu1_2.add_command(label='密码修改', command=self.updPwd) menu1_2.add_command(label='查询用户信息', command=self.seluser) menu1_2.add_command(label='重新登录', command=self.loginuser) menu1.add_command(label='退出系统', command=self.root3.quit) self.root3.config(menu=menu1_2) self.root3.config(menu=menu1) # 显示菜单 self.finds = tk.Label(self.root3, text='成绩分析', font=("黑体", 20)) self.finds.place(x=180, y=30) self.student_sno = tk.Label(self.root3, text='请输入要查询成绩的学生学号:', font=("黑体", 12)) self.student_sno.place(x=50, y=100) self.entry_sno = tk.Entry(self.root3) self.entry_sno.place(x=280, y=100) self.find_sgrade = tk.Button(self.root3, text='查询', font=("黑体", 15), command=self.findsno) self.find_sgrade.place(x=200, y=130) self.student_cno = tk.Label(self.root3, text='请输入要查询成绩的课程代号:', font=("黑体", 12)) self.student_cno.place(x=50, y=200) self.entry_cno = tk.Entry(self.root3) self.entry_cno.place(x=280, y=200) self.find_cgrade = tk.Button(self.root3, text='查询', font=("黑体", 15), command=self.findcno) self.find_cgrade.place(x=200, y=230) self.root3.mainloop() def adduser(self): self.root3.destroy() register.Register() def loginuser(self): self.root3.destroy() login.Login() def seluser(self): selUser.SelUser() def updPwd(self): self.root3.destroy() updPwd.UpdPWD() def findsno(self): fsno = self.entry_sno.get() snos = np.array(db.query("select sno from sc"))[:, 0] if fsno.strip() not in snos: tk.messagebox.showerror("警告", "该用户不存在成绩!") return False else: db.Findsno = fsno findSno.Manage() def findcno(self): fcno = self.entry_cno.get() cnos = np.array(db.query("select grade from sc where cno=%s and grade is not null", fcno)) print(cnos) if len(cnos) == 0: tk.messagebox.showerror("警告", "该课程不存在成绩!") return False else: db.Findcno = fcno findCno.Manage()
import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk import db class SelUser(): def __init__(self): self.root4 = tk.Tk() # 创建根窗口 self.root4.title("查询用户信息") # 设置窗口标题 self.screenwidth = self.root4.winfo_screenwidth() self.screenheight = self.root4.winfo_screenheight() self.root4.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (400, 250, (self.screenwidth - 400) / 2, (self.screenheight - 250) / 2)) self.create_gui() # 调用窗口组件函数 self.root4.mainloop() # 让程序继续执行,直到窗口关闭 def create_gui(self): # 定义图形用户界面函数 self.create_top_right_labelframe() # 查询条件组件设置 self.create_records_treeview() # 查询结果树形菜单组件设置 def create_top_right_labelframe(self): # 查询条件组件界面 labelframe1 = tk.LabelFrame(self.root4, text='用户信息', width=400) # 标签框架组件 labelframe1.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew', padx=8, pady=8) tk.Label(labelframe1, text=' 账号:').grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='w', pady=2) # 账号标签 self.namefield = tk.Entry(labelframe1) # 账号输入框 self.namefield.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='w', padx=5, pady=2) tk.Label(labelframe1, text=' 密码:').grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='w', pady=2) self.numfield = tk.Entry(labelframe1) self.numfield.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='w', padx=5, pady=2) tk.Button(labelframe1, text='查询', command=self.seluser).grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='e', padx=5, pady=2) def create_records_treeview(self): # 显示记录信息 treeview_columns = ['userId', 'userName', 'userPwd'] self.record_treeview = ttk.Treeview(self.root4, show='headings', height=5, columns=treeview_columns) self.record_treeview.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=3) self.record_treeview.heading('userId', text='序号') self.record_treeview.heading('userName', text='用户名') self.record_treeview.heading('userPwd', text='密码') # , anchor='center' self.record_treeview.column('userId', width=100) self.record_treeview.column('userName', width=120) self.record_treeview.column('userPwd', width=220) def seluser(self): username3 = self.namefield.get() userpwd3 = self.numfield.get() if username3.strip() == "" or userpwd3.strip() == "": tk.messagebox.showerror("警告", "用户名或密码不能为空") return False else: rs, row = db.query2( "select * from users where username like '%" + username3 + "%' and passwords like '%" + userpwd3 + "%'") if row == 0: tk.messagebox.showerror("警告", "该用户名或密码不存在") return False else: for i in range(row): self.record_treeview.insert("", 'end', values=rs[i])
import tkinter as tk import tkinter.messagebox import db import mainWin class UpdPWD(): def __init__(self): self.aa = db.Username self.root6 = tk.Tk() self.screenwidth = self.root6.winfo_screenwidth() self.screenheight = self.root6.winfo_screenheight() self.root6.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (400, 200, (self.screenwidth - 400) / 2, (self.screenheight - 200) / 2)) self.root6.title("密码修改窗口") self.namelabel = tk.Label(self.root6, text='账号:', font=("黑体", 15)) self.namelabel.place(x=80, y=20) self.nametxt = tk.Entry(self.root6) self.nametxt.place(x=140, y=22) self.nametxt.insert(0, self.aa) self.labelpwd1 = tk.Label(self.root6, text='密码:', font=("黑体", 15)) self.labelpwd1.place(x=80, y=60) self.pwd1 = tk.Entry(self.root6) self.pwd1.place(x=140, y=62) self.labelpwd2 = tk.Label(self.root6, text='确认密码:', font=("黑体", 12)) self.labelpwd2.place(x=60, y=100) self.pwd2 = tk.Entry(self.root6) self.pwd2.place(x=140, y=102) self.button = tk.Button(self.root6, text="确定", font=("黑体", 15), command=self.updpwd) self.button.place(x=100, y=140) self.button2 = tk.Button(self.root6, text="主窗口", font=("黑体", 15), command=self.returnwin) self.button2.place(x=200,y=140) self.root6.mainloop() def updpwd(self): bb = self.pwd1.get() aa = self.aa print(aa) print(bb) rs = db.update2("update tb_user set username='" + bb + "' where passwords='" + aa + "'") print(rs) if rs > 0: tk.messagebox.showinfo("提示消息", "密码修改成功") else: tk.messagebox.showinfo("提示消息", "修改失败") self.pwd1.delete(0) self.pwd2.delete(0) def returnwin(self): self.root6.destroy() mainWin.MainWin()
这是一个基于tkinter GUI库实现的密码修改窗口类(UpdPWD)。
然后,在 updpwd() 方法中,该类获取输入框中的新密码,并将其通过执行数据库更新操作(update2()),更新到原先密码对应的账号上,如果更新成功,则弹出 “密码修改成功” 的提示框,否则弹出 “修改失败” 的提示框,并清空密码输入框。
最后,在 returnwin() 方法中,该类关闭当前窗口,并打开主窗口(MainWin)。
import tkinter as tk import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import matplotlib import db from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False class Manage(): def __init__(self): matplotlib.use("TkAgg") self.root7 = tk.Tk() self.root7.title("学生成绩分析") self.screenwidth = self.root7.winfo_screenwidth() self.screenheight = self.root7.winfo_screenheight() self.root7.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (400, 350, (self.screenwidth - 400) / 2, (self.screenheight - 350) / 2)) f = Figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=85) a = f.add_subplot(111) find_name = db.Findsno data = db.query("select * from sc where %s=sno and grade is not null", find_name) x = np.array(data)[:, 1] y = np.array(data)[:, 2].astype(int) a.plot(x, y, marker='o', color='red', label='成绩') for m, n in zip(x, y): a.text(m, n, n, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=12) a.set_title("学生%s成绩情况折线图" % find_name, fontsize=12) a.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 105, 10)) a.set_xlabel("课程号", fontsize=12) a.set_ylabel("成绩", fontsize=12) a.legend(loc='lower right') canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, self.root7) canvas.draw() canvas.get_tk_widget().pack() canvas._tkcanvas.pack() self.root7.mainloop()
import tkinter as tk import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import matplotlib import db from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False class Manage(): def __init__(self): matplotlib.use("TkAgg") self.root5 = tk.Tk() self.root5.title("课程成绩分析") self.screenwidth = self.root5.winfo_screenwidth() self.screenheight = self.root5.winfo_screenheight() self.root5.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (400, 350, (self.screenwidth - 400) / 2, (self.screenheight - 350) / 2)) f = Figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=85) a = f.add_subplot(111) find_name = db.Findcno data = db.query("select * from sc where %s=cno and grade is not null", find_name) x = np.array(data)[:, 0] y = np.array(data)[:, 2].astype(int) a.plot(x, y, marker='o', color='blue', label='成绩') for m, n in zip(x, y): a.text(m, n, n, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=12) a.set_title("课程%s成绩情况折线图" % find_name, fontsize=12) a.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 105, 10)) a.set_xlabel("课程号", fontsize=12) a.set_ylabel("成绩", fontsize=12) a.legend(loc='lower right') canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, self.root5) canvas.draw() canvas.get_tk_widget().pack() canvas._tkcanvas.pack() self.root5.mainloop()
import login #主函数 if __name__ == "__main__": login.Login()