函数func json.Unmarshal(data []byte, v any) error就是用来解析json编码的data,然后将结果保存在指针v指向的值里
package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" ) type user struct { Name string Married bool Address struct { City string Country string } } func main() { user1 := `{ "name": "tian", "married": false, "address": { "city": "beijing", "country": "China" } }` user1Struct := &user{} json.Unmarshal([]byte(user1), user1Struct) fmt.Printf("解码后的结果为:%v", *user1Struct) }
PS E:\goland-workspace\GolangLearning\Common\json数据处理\unmarshal> go run .\main.go 解码后的结果为:{tian false {beijing China}}
使用go get -u github.com/spf13/viper 进行下载
函数func viper.ReadConfig(in io.Reader) error用于从in中读取数据并解析
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "github.com/spf13/viper" ) func main() { user1 := `{ "name": "tian", "married": false, "address": { "city": "beijing", "country": "China" } }` // 指定配置的类型为json viper.SetConfigType("json") // 读取数据 if err := viper.ReadConfig(strings.NewReader(user1)); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } fmt.Printf("数据的所有键值: %v\n", viper.AllKeys()) fmt.Printf("解析后的数据:%v\n", viper.AllSettings()) fmt.Printf("the type of \"married\" is %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(viper.Get("married"))) fmt.Printf("The name is %s and the country is %s\n", viper.Get("name"), viper.Get("address.country")) }
PS E:\goland-workspace\GolangLearning\Common\json数据处理\viper> go run .\main.go 数据的所有键值: [address.city address.country name married] 解析后的数据:map[address:map[city:beijing country:China] married:false name:tian] the type of "married" is bool The name is tian and the country is China
使用go get -u "github.com/bitly/go-simplejson"进行下载
package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/bitly/go-simplejson" ) func main() { user1 := `{ "name": "tian", "married": false, "address": { "city": "beijing", "country": "China" } }` user1json, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(user1)) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } name1, _ := user1json.Get("name").String() city1, _ := user1json.Get("address").Get("city").String() fmt.Printf("The name is %s and the city is %s", name1, city1) }
PS E:\goland-workspace\GolangLearning\Common\json数据处理\simpleJson> go run .\main.go The name is tian and the city is beijing
使用go get -u github.com/thedevsaddam/gojsonq安装
package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/thedevsaddam/gojsonq/v2" ) func main() { user1 := `{ "name": "tian", "married": false, "address": { "city": "beijing", "country": "China" } }` user1json := gojsonq.New().FromString(user1) name1 := user1json.Find("name").(string) user1json.Reset() city1 := user1json.Find("address.city") fmt.Printf("The name is %s and the city is %v", name1, city1) }
PS E:\goland-workspace\GolangLearning\Common\json数据处理\gojsonq> go run .\main.go The name is tian and the city is beijing