import { FFAlbum, FFScene, FFImage, FFCreator, FFRect, FFText, FFCreatorCenter } from 'ffcreator' const path = require('path'); import colors from 'colors' export default function AddTPL({ id }) { FFCreatorCenter.createTemplate(id, async ({ }) => { //用官方图片例子 const ROOT_PATH = process.cwd(); const bg1 = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/assets/imgs/bg/05.jpg'); console.log(bg1) const bg2 = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/assets/imgs/bg/04.jpeg'); const logo2 = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/assets/imgs/logo/logo2.png'); const cloud = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/assets/imgs/cloud.png'); const mars = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/assets/imgs/mars.png'); const rock = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/assets/imgs/rock.png'); const title = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/assets/imgs/title.png'); const audio = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/assets/audio/05.wav'); const outputDir = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/video/'); const cacheDir = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/cache/'); FFCreator.setFFmpegPath('D:/nextAppV2/H5/ffmpeg-6.0-full_build/bin/ffmpeg.exe'); // create creator instance const width = 576; const height = 1024; const creator = new FFCreator({ cacheDir, outputDir, width, height, //log: true, highWaterMark: '3mb', parallel: 8, fps: 30, audio, }); // create FFScene const scene1 = new FFScene(); const scene2 = new FFScene(); scene1.setBgColor('#0b0be6'); scene2.setBgColor('#b33771'); // add scene1 background const fbg1 = new FFImage({ path: bg1, x: width / 2, y: height / 2 }); scene1.addChild(fbg1); // add bottom cloud const fcloud = new FFImage({ path: cloud, x: width }); fcloud.setAnchor(1); fcloud.addAnimate({ from: { y: height + 180 }, to: { y: height }, time: 0.8, ease: 'Back.Out', }); scene1.addChild(fcloud); // add mars ball const fmars = new FFImage({ path: mars, x: width / 2, y: height / 2 }); fmars.addEffect(['rollIn', 'zoomIn'], 1.8, 0.8); scene1.addChild(fmars); // add rock image const frock = new FFImage({ path: rock, x: width / 2 + 100 }); frock.addAnimate({ from: { y: height / 2 + 720 }, to: { y: height / 2 + 80 }, time: 1, delay: 2.3, ease: 'Cubic.InOut', }); scene1.addChild(frock); // add rock image const ftitle = new FFImage({ path: title, x: width / 2, y: height / 2 - 300 }); ftitle.addEffect('fadeInUp', 1, 4); scene1.addChild(ftitle); // add logo const flogo1 = new FFImage({ path: logo2, x: width / 2, y: 50 }); flogo1.setScale(0.5); scene1.addChild(flogo1); scene1.setDuration(8); scene1.setTransition('InvertedPageCurl', 1.5); creator.addChild(scene1); // add scene2 background const fbg2 = new FFImage({ path: bg2, x: width / 2, y: height / 2 }); scene2.addChild(fbg2); // add logo const flogo2 = new FFImage({ path: logo2, x: width / 2, y: height / 2 - 80 }); flogo2.setScale(0.9); flogo2.addEffect('fadeInDown', 1, 1.2); // 9s remove flogo2.remove(9); scene2.addChild(flogo2); scene2.setDuration(5); creator.addChild(scene2); creator.start(); //creator.openLog(); creator.on('start', () => { console.log(`FFCreator start`); }); creator.on('error', e => { console.log(`FFCreator error: ${e.error}`); }); creator.on('progress', e => { console.log(colors.yellow(`FFCreator progress: ${(e.percent * 100) >> 0}%`)); }); creator.on('complete', e => { console.log( colors.magenta(`FFCreator completed: \n USEAGE: ${e.useage} \n PATH: ${e.output} `), ); console.log(colors.green(`\n --- You can press the s key or the w key to restart! --- \n`)); }); return creator; }) }
//添加队列 export function AddTask({ Templateid }) { const Taskid = FFCreatorCenter.addTaskByTemplate(Templateid, { }); res.statusCode = 200 res.json({ code: 0, data: { taskid: Taskid } }) }
//下载 import { FFAlbum, FFScene, FFImage, FFCreator, FFRect, FFText, FFCreatorCenter } from 'ffcreator' export default async (req, res) => { const taskid = req.query.taskid var fs = require('fs'); FFCreatorCenter.onTaskError(taskid, function (err) { console.log("onTaskError", err) }) FFCreatorCenter.onTaskComplete(taskid, function (e) { console.log("onTaskComplete", e) let { file, taskObj } = e let output = file ? file.replace(/\/\//g, "/") : "" fs.readFile(output, function (isErr, data) { if (isErr) { } else { let file_name = new Date().getTime() let Disposition = "inline;"; if (scene == "pwa") { Disposition = "attchment;"; } if (scene == "mini") { Disposition = "inline;"; } res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'video/mp4; charset=utf-8'); res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', `${Disposition}filename=${encodeURIComponent(file_name)}.mp4`); res.status(200) res.end(data) } }) }) }
let cp = require('child_process'); let flie_gif = `${cacheDir}${taskid}.gif` const bb = `ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -to 00:00:${videoConfig.duration} -i ${output} -r 10 -vf scale=1050:-1 ${flie_gif}` cp.exec(bb, function (error, stdout, stderr) { if (error) { console.log('执行的结果error:', error) } else { fs.readFile(flie_gif, function (isErr, data) { if (isErr) { console.log('执行的结果error:', isErr) } else { let file_name = new Date().getTime() let Disposition = "inline;"; if (scene == "pwa") { Disposition = "attchment;"; } if (scene == "mini") { Disposition = "inline;"; } res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/gif; charset=utf-8'); res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', `${Disposition}filename=${encodeURIComponent(file_name)}.gif`); res.status(200) res.end(data) } }) } // console.log('执行的结果stdout:', stdout) // console.log('执行的结果stderr:', stderr) })