窗口函数OVER子句中的PARTITION BY选项用于定义分区,其作用类似于查询语句中的GROUP BY子句。如果我们指定了分区选项,窗口函数将会分别针对每个分区单独进行分析。
select *,avg(age) over(partition by dept) as 平均年龄 from testfunc order by id;
select s_id,sum(convert(score,double))as 总成绩 from sc group by s_id;
select s_id,sum(convert(score,double))as 总成绩,
dense_rank() over(order by sum(convert(score,double))desc)as 排名
from sc group by s_id;
select c_id,sum(convert(score,double))as 总成绩,
dense_rank() over(partition by c_id order by sum(convert(score,double)) desc)as 排名
from sc group by c_id;
select *,avg(convert(score,double)) over(partition by s_id)as 平均成绩 from sc order by 平均成绩 desc;
-- 若按学生总成绩进行降序排序
select *,sum(convert(score,double)) over(partition by s_id) as 总成绩 from sc order by 总成绩 desc;
-- 若按科目的总成绩进行排序
select *,sum(convert(score,double)) over(partition by c_id) as 总成绩 from sc order by 总成绩 desc;
5.-- 求每个访客每个月访问次数,和累计访问次数
select *from visitor;
select userId,month(visitDate)as 月,sum(visitCount)as 月访问次数 from visitor group by userId,月;
-- 月累计访问次数,月累计:sum(sum(visitCount))
select userId,month(visitDate)as 月,sum(visitCount)月访问次数,sum(sum(visitCount))over(partition by userId order by month(visitDate))as 该客户月累计次数
from visitor group by use9999rId,月 order by userId;
6.-- 尝试不使用窗口函数得到并列形式排名(1,2,2,4...)
select a.name ,a.subject ,max(a.score) 主成绩 ,count(b.name)+1 行统计值【排名】
from score a left join score b on a.subject =b.subject and b.score >a.score
group by a.name, a.subject order by a.subject ,主成绩 desc;
select * from books_goods;
7.-- 对同个类别【t_categor】的价格进行降序排序,并给与排名值(但是row_number()不会跳过重复序号)
select row_number() over(partition by t_category order by t_price desc)as 排名,t_category,t_name,t_price,t_upper_time
from books_goods;
8.rank() 序号函数
能够对序号进行并列排序,并且会跳过重复的序号,得到并列排名 --- 效果与 excel 中 rank.eq()类似
select rank() over(partition by t_category order by t_price desc)as 排名,t_category,t_name,t_price,t_upper_time
from books_goods;
dense_rank() 函数
select rank() over(partition by t_category order by t_price desc)as 排名,t_category,t_name,t_price,t_upper_time
from books_goods;
9.percent_rank() 分布函数
percent_rank() 返回一个从0到1的数字
对于指定的行, percent_rank()计算行的等级减1,除以评估的分区或查询结果集中的行数减一
select percent_rank() over(partition by t_category order by t_price desc) as 排名百分位,
rank() over(partition by t_category order by t_price desc) as 排名,
t_category,t_name, t_price,t_upper_time
from books_goods;
10.cume_dist() 分布函数
-- 比如统计大于等于当前售价的产品数占总产品数的比例,其窗口函数中的排序为降序即可
select cume_dist() over(order by t_price desc) as 占比,
t_category,t_name, t_price,t_upper_time
from books_goods;
- 比如统计小于等于当前售价的产品数占总产品数的比例
select cume_dist() over(order by t_price asc) as 占比,
t_category,t_name, t_price,t_upper_time
from books_goods;
- 2、计算当前价格与上一个价格之间的差值
select *,t_price-pre_price as 差值 from(
select t_category_id t_category,t_name, t_price,
lag(t_price,1) over(partition by t_category order by t_price asc) as pre_price
from books_goods
) t
把over 后的窗口分组排序方式语句单独提出来,设置别名:w 【名字可自取】,同时将其可应用于多个窗口函数上
select t_category_id t_category,t_name, t_price,
lag(t_price,1) over h as pre_price ,
lead(t_price,1) over h as last_price
from books_goods
window h as (partition by t_category order by t_price asc);
应用场景:截止到当前,按照日期排序查询当前最大的月收入【LAST_VALUE】 或最小月收入值【FIRST_VALUE】是多少
比如:按价格排序,查询每个类目中最低和最高的价格是多少,方便与后续计算当前书籍的价格与最大价格 或最小价格的差值(但是没有分组来返回值)
select t_category_id t_category,t_name, t_price,
first_value(t_price) over h as 最小价格 ,
last_value(t_price) over h as 最大价格
from books_goods
window h as (partition by t_category order by t_price asc );
但结果发现:last_value 的结果并没有按照我们所想的以当前分组的窗口表中的所有数据进行判断最大值的
原因:last_value默认统计范围是取当前行数据 与 当前行之前的数据做比较的
解决方案:over 中的排序 order by 条件后加上一个固定语句:rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ,也是前面无界 和 后面无界 之间的行比较
select t_category_id t_category,t_name, t_price,
first_value(t_price) over h as 最小价格 ,
last_value(t_price) over h as 最大价格
from books_goods
window h as (partition by t_category order by t_price asc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following);
select t.* from(
select name,subject,score,dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by score desc) as 排名 from score
) t where t.排名 3;