🌈hello! 各位铁铁们大家好啊,栈和队列我们都学过了那么试试用队列实现栈你会嘛?。
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我们先来总结一下队列的特点 先进先出 ,队列的特点 是 后进先出 :
#include#include #include #include typedef int QueDataType; typedef struct QueueType { QueDataType data; struct QueueType* next; }QueueNode; typedef struct Queue { struct QueueType* head; struct QueueType* tail; int size; }Que; //初始化队列 void QueueInit(Que* ps); //销毁队列 void QueueDestroy(Que* ps); //插入数据 void QueuePush(Que* ps, QueDataType x); //删除数据 void QueuePop(Que* ps); //获取头数据 QueDataType QueueFront(Que* ps); //获取尾数据 QueDataType QueueBack(Que* ps); //获取队列长度 int QueueSize(Que* ps); //判断是否为空 bool QueueEmpty(Que* ps); //初始化队列 void QueueInit(Que* ps) { assert(ps); ps->head = NULL; ps->tail = NULL; ps->size = 0; } //销毁队列 void QueueDestroy(Que* ps) { assert(ps); QueueNode* cur = ps->head; while (cur) { QueueNode* next = cur->next; free(cur); cur = next; } ps->head = ps->tail = NULL; ps->size = 0; } //插入数据 void QueuePush(Que* ps, QueDataType x) { assert(ps); QueueNode* newnode = (QueueNode*)malloc(sizeof(QueueNode)); if (newnode == NULL) { perror("malloc fail"); exit(-1); } newnode->data = x; newnode->next = NULL; if (ps->head == NULL) { ps->head = ps->tail = newnode; } else { ps->tail->next = newnode; ps->tail = newnode; } ps->size++; } //删除数据 void QueuePop(Que* pq) { assert(pq); assert(!QueueEmpty(pq)); if (pq->head->next == NULL) { free(pq->head); pq->head = pq->tail = NULL; } else { QueueNode* next = pq->head->next; free(pq->head); pq->head = next; } pq->size--; } //获取头数据 QueDataType QueueFront(Que* ps) { assert(ps); assert(!QueueEmpty(ps)); return ps->head->data; } //获取尾数据 QueDataType QueueBack(Que* ps) { assert(ps); assert(!QueueEmpty(ps)); return ps->tail->data; } //获取队列长度 int QueueSize(Que* ps) { assert(ps); return ps->size; } //判断是否为空 bool QueueEmpty(Que* ps) { assert(ps); return ps->head == NULL; }
📚 代码演示:
typedef struct { Que q1; Que q2; } MyStack; MyStack* myStackCreate() { MyStack* obj = (MyStack*)malloc(sizeof(MyStack)); QueueInit(&obj->q1); QueueInit(&obj->q2); return obj; }
📚 代码演示:
void myStackPush(MyStack* obj, int x) { assert(obj); if(!QueueEmpty(&obj->q1)) { QueuePush(&obj->q1,x); } else { QueuePush(&obj->q2,x); } }
📚 代码演示:
int myStackPop(MyStack* obj) { assert(obj); Que* empty = &obj->q1; Que* noempty = &obj->q2; if(!QueueEmpty(empty)) { empty = &obj->q2; noempty = &obj->q1; } while(QueueSize(noempty) > 1) { QueuePush(empty, QueueFront(noempty)); QueuePop(noempty); } int top = QueueFront(noempty); QueuePop(noempty); return top; }
📚 代码演示:
bool myStackEmpty(MyStack* obj) { return QueueEmpty(&obj->q1) && QueueEmpty(&obj->q2); }
📚 代码演示:
int myStackTop(MyStack* obj) { if(!QueueEmpty(&obj->q1)) { return QueueBack(&obj->q1); } else { return QueueBack(&obj->q2); } }
老样子了,先把栈区里面的 malloc 里面的空间释放了,然后再释放栈就好了。
📚 代码演示:
void myStackFree(MyStack* obj) { QueueDestroy(&obj->q1); QueueDestroy(&obj->q2); free(obj); }
📚 代码演示:
#include#include #include #include typedef int QueDataType; typedef struct QueueType { QueDataType data; struct QueueType* next; }QueueNode; typedef struct Queue { struct QueueType* head; struct QueueType* tail; int size; }Que; //初始化队列 void QueueInit(Que* ps); //销毁队列 void QueueDestroy(Que* ps); //插入数据 void QueuePush(Que* ps, QueDataType x); //删除数据 void QueuePop(Que* ps); //获取头数据 QueDataType QueueFront(Que* ps); //获取尾数据 QueDataType QueueBack(Que* ps); //获取队列长度 int QueueSize(Que* ps); //判断是否为空 bool QueueEmpty(Que* ps); //初始化队列 void QueueInit(Que* ps) { assert(ps); ps->head = NULL; ps->tail = NULL; ps->size = 0; } //销毁队列 void QueueDestroy(Que* ps) { assert(ps); QueueNode* cur = ps->head; while (cur) { QueueNode* next = cur->next; free(cur); cur = next; } ps->head = ps->tail = NULL; ps->size = 0; } //插入数据 void QueuePush(Que* ps, QueDataType x) { assert(ps); QueueNode* newnode = (QueueNode*)malloc(sizeof(QueueNode)); if (newnode == NULL) { perror("malloc fail"); exit(-1); } newnode->data = x; newnode->next = NULL; if (ps->head == NULL) { ps->head = ps->tail = newnode; } else { ps->tail->next = newnode; ps->tail = newnode; } ps->size++; } //删除数据 void QueuePop(Que* pq) { assert(pq); assert(!QueueEmpty(pq)); if (pq->head->next == NULL) { free(pq->head); pq->head = pq->tail = NULL; } else { QueueNode* next = pq->head->next; free(pq->head); pq->head = next; } pq->size--; } //获取头数据 QueDataType QueueFront(Que* ps) { assert(ps); assert(!QueueEmpty(ps)); return ps->head->data; } //获取尾数据 QueDataType QueueBack(Que* ps) { assert(ps); assert(!QueueEmpty(ps)); return ps->tail->data; } //获取队列长度 int QueueSize(Que* ps) { assert(ps); return ps->size; } //判断是否为空 bool QueueEmpty(Que* ps) { assert(ps); return ps->head == NULL; } typedef struct { Que q1; Que q2; } MyStack; MyStack* myStackCreate() { MyStack* obj = (MyStack*)malloc(sizeof(MyStack)); QueueInit(&obj->q1); QueueInit(&obj->q2); return obj; } void myStackPush(MyStack* obj, int x) { assert(obj); if(!QueueEmpty(&obj->q1)) { QueuePush(&obj->q1,x); } else { QueuePush(&obj->q2,x); } } int myStackPop(MyStack* obj) { assert(obj); Que* empty = &obj->q1; Que* noempty = &obj->q2; if(!QueueEmpty(empty)) { empty = &obj->q2; noempty = &obj->q1; } while(QueueSize(noempty) > 1) { QueuePush(empty, QueueFront(noempty)); QueuePop(noempty); } int top = QueueFront(noempty); QueuePop(noempty); return top; } int myStackTop(MyStack* obj) { if(!QueueEmpty(&obj->q1)) { return QueueBack(&obj->q1); } else { return QueueBack(&obj->q2); } } bool myStackEmpty(MyStack* obj) { return QueueEmpty(&obj->q1) && QueueEmpty(&obj->q2); } void myStackFree(MyStack* obj) { QueueDestroy(&obj->q1); QueueDestroy(&obj->q2); free(obj); } /** * Your MyStack struct will be instantiated and called as such: * MyStack* obj = myStackCreate(); * myStackPush(obj, x); * int param_2 = myStackPop(obj); * int param_3 = myStackTop(obj); * bool param_4 = myStackEmpty(obj); * myStackFree(obj); */
☁️ 好了以上就是队列实现栈的全部细节与过程来,大家不要忘记练习哦!
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