之前的项目可以运行,过一阵再次打开发现报错如下。但是新建Android studio 项目没有问题可以运行。
Build file 'D:\kt\MyApplication3\build.gradle.kts' line: 2 Plugin [id: 'com.android.application', version: '8.1.0', apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources: * Try: > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights. * Exception is: org.gradle.api.plugins.UnknownPluginException: Plugin [id: 'com.android.application', version: '8.1.0', apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources:
很久没有查到原因缺的version: '8.1.0'之前已经下载过也不知道为啥还要提示下载
点击🆗 等待下载完成问题解决
上一篇:Mac node安装和卸载